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Child Welfare Services

Everyone in the community plays a role in the prevention of child abuse and
neglect. Colorado has one toll-free phone number to report child abuse and
neglect 24/7, 365 days a year. Please call the Colorado Child Abuse and
Neglect Hotline at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437) to report concerns about
a child's safety and well-being. All calls are confidential and will be
routed to the county where a child resides. If it is an emergency or you are
witnessing a child in a life-threatening situation, call 911 immediately.
Child Welfare Services provides a group of specialized services that are intended to:

· Ensure children have permanency and stability in their living arrangements.

· Maintain the children’s family ties and personal relationships (friends, schools, activities) are preserved.

· Enhance the capacity of families to provide for their children’s needs.

· Meet the educational needs of children.

· Meet the children’s physical and mental needs.


*A child exhibits evidence of skin bruising, bleeding, malnutrition, failure to thrive, burns, fractures of any bones, soft tissue swelling, and/or death; the condition is not justifiably explained; and/or the circumstances indicate that such condition may not be the product of an accidental occurrence. Any case in which a child is subjected to sexual assault or molestation, sexual exploitation, or prostitution.

*Any case in which a child is in need of medical services because the child’s parents, legal guardian, or custodian fails to take the same actions to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision that a prudent parent would take.

*A parent, guardian, or legal custodian has abandoned the child or has subjected him or her to mistreatment or abuse, or has suffered or allowed another to mistreat or abuse the child without taking lawful means to stop such mistreatment and prevent it from re-occurring.

*A child lacks proper parental care through the actions or omissions of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian.

*The child’s environment is injurious to his/her welfare.

*A parent, guardian, or legal custodian fails or refuses to provide the child with proper or necessary subsistence, education, medical care, or any care necessary for his/her health, guidance, or well being.

Services are provided to reduce or eliminate conflicts between youth and their family members or the community when those conflicts affect the youth’s well-being, the normal functioning of the family or the well-being of the community. The focus of services shall be on alleviating conflicts, protecting the youth and the community, re-establishing family stability, or assisting the youth to emancipate successfully.

Statutorily authorized services are provided to specified children and families in which the reason for service is not protective services or youth in conflict. These services are limited to children and families in need of subsidized adoption or Medicaid only services, or to children for whom the goal is no longer reunification.

When someone in the community, or someone whose job requires him/her to report suspected abuse, has reason to suspect abuse or neglect of a child, she/he should call the Department of Social Services at (719)336-7486 or the local law enforcement agency at 911.

Notice:  Persons reporting concerns from the abuse or neglect of a child or children shall be immune from liability, civil or criminal, if the reporting is done in good faith. The names and the identification of persons who report (if revealed during the making of the report) shall be kept confidential unless the court orders such a disclosure. On rare occasions, reporting parties may be called upon to testify in court hearings if needed to safeguard the well being of a reported child.

To report suspected child abuse/neglect call Prowers County Department of Social Services at (719)336-7486 or the local law enforcement agency at 911.

The main goal is to keep the family intact, but when necessary, other living arrangements are made.


The Prowers County foster care program is designed to provide safe, temporary care to abused and neglected children in need of out of home placement. Some foster parents provide emergency care until a plan for ongoing care is made while other provide day to day care for a long period of time.

1. Fill out an application.

2. Complete a Foster Parent questionnaire.

3. Participate in family and individual interviews for the home study.

4. Submit names of references.

5. Participate in an inspection of your home.

6. Submit to FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and law enforcement checks.

7. Submit to a Central Registry check.

8. Have family health examinations.

9. Participate in training.

10. Participate in CPR and First Aid training.

Once you become a Foster Family you will…

· Protect the child

· Provide the basics

· Discipline in a positive way

· Help the child grow

· Provide services such as transportation and arrange for medical and dental care, as well as involvement in counseling sessions

· Encourage positive relationships

· Participate with the Department of Social Services as an active team member in case planning and service delivery

· Attend staffings and meetings

· Work actively with the family of origin during and after placement

· Keep records of child’s behavior and progress

· Prepare the child to return home

· Know the satisfaction that comes from providing a temporary home for a child or children in need

Things you should know…

· We do not place a lot of children in foster care because we support children being in their own homes.

· We remove children from their parents as a last resort, for safety reasons. This is when we need foster placements.

· The foster home provides safe, temporary care for children.

· The foster parents work with the Department of Social Services in supporting reunification of the foster child with his/her family.

· Sometimes reunification is not possible, no matter how hard everyone tries. In this case, a child might become available for adoption.

· Decisions concerning a foster child’s future are made for the best interest of the child.

To renew your Foster Parent License

The following will need to be completed:

· Written intent to renew

· Inspection of your home

· Current health certificates

· Current pet vaccinations

· Ongoing training

· Current CPR and First Aid Certificates

· Update home study

To help children maintain their cultural ties, Prowers County wants and needs foster parents who represent every race and ethnicity throughout the County. Relatives can also help preserve family ties by becoming foster and adoptive parents. There are children of all ages and races that need your help.

For more information, contact Darla Baker at (719)336-7486 ext. 183.


This is a program to protect adults who are at-risk and are unable to protect their own interests.

The Adult Protective Services Program is designed to intervene in situations where there is danger of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of at-risk adults. If necessary, a plan will be developed to utilize support systems in the community to provide continuing safety for the at-risk adult (or adults) in question.


Abuse: Infliction of physical pain or injury as demonstrated by, but not limited to, substantial or multiple skin bruising, bleeding, malnutrition, dehydration, burns, bone fractures, poisoning, subdural hematoma, soft tissue swelling, suffocation, unreasonable confinement/restraint, or subjection to non-consensual sexual contact or conduct.

Self-Neglect: An act or failure to act whereby the at-risk adult substantially endangers his/her health, safety, welfare, or life by not seeking or obtaining services necessary to meet their essential human needs. (Choice of lifestyle or living arrangements shall not, by itself, constitute self-neglect.)

Caretaker Neglect: When food, clothing, shelter, psychological/physical/medical care, or supervision is not secured for the at-risk adult or is not provided by a caretaker in a timely manner and with the degree of care that a reasonable person in the same situation would exercise.

Exploitation: The illegal or improper use of an at-risk adult or the at-risk adult’s resources for another person’s profit or advantage.

Mistreatment: An act or omission which threatens the health, safety, or welfare of an at-risk adult, or which exposes the adult to a situation or condition that poses an imminent risk of death or bodily injury to the adult.

For additional information, or if any person knows or suspects that an at-risk adult is in need of protective services, contact:    Donna Guido at (719) 336-7486 ext. 168

Anyone who is concerned about an at-risk adult and makes a “good faith” report will be immune from:

1. Any civil liability from making the report

2. Any criminal liability from making the report

3. Giving court testimony

4. Participating in making the report

However, if the report was made with a reckless regard for the truth, none of the above shall apply.